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Книги и монографии

Во времена холодной войны
Во времена холодной войны

North Korean foreign relations in the post-Cold War world
L. Rechter

The starting premise of this book is that for all the uniqueness of the regime and its putative political autonomy, post-Kim Il Sung North Korea has been subject to the same external pressures and dynamics that are inherent in an increasingly interdependent and interactive world. The foreign relations that define the place of North Korea in the international community today are the result of the trajectories that Pyongyang has chosen to take-or was forced to take-given its national interests and politics. In addition, the choices of the North Korean state are constrained by the international environment in which they interact, given its location at the center of Northeast Asian geopolitics in which the interests of the Big Four (China, Russia, Japan, and the United States) inevitably compete, clash, mesh, coincide, etc., as those nations pursue their course in the region. North Korea per se is seldom of great importance to any of the Big Four, but its significance is closely tied to and shaped by the overall foreign policy goals of each of the Big Four Plus One (South Korea). Thus North Korea is seen merely as part of the problem or part of the solution for Northeast Asia.



Cold War Cosmopolitanism: Period Style in 1950s Korean Cinema
Christina Klein

Cold War Cosmopolitanism is a dedicated study of 1950s Korea through the figure of Han Hyung-mo (Han Hyŏngmo), an auteur at the center of South Korea’s “Golden Age” of cinema, who then was largely forgotten in the ensuing South Korean film history. Only a great commitment to the films at the heart of the book can produce such a focused and expansive work, and for this reason, the book will be a rewarding read and a useful open-access resource for courses on the period, world cinema, and gender.

The driving argument of Christina Klein’s monograph is that South Korea’s entrance into the newly emerging Cold War network of “Free World”—as opposed to the Communist “Second World”—in the 1950s after the Korean War produced a distinctive cinematic aesthetic all of its own, which Klein refers to as “Cold War Cosmopolitan Style.” This style, Klein argues, is best encapsulated in the innovative...



History of the Cold War, from the Korean War to the present

André Fontaine

Globalization is not a new idea. The October revolution was intended to be just as global as the war from which it had come, and President Wilson's Friend believed himself in charge of converting the entire earth to democracy and capitalism. The ambitions of the two empires were too universal to be reconcilable. Lnine said: "It will be them or us. "In the light of the many changes that have taken place since the breakup of the USSR, this book tells the origins and the main stages of what will ultimately have been the third world war. A war that has been called "cold", because the fear of the apocalypse made it possible, sometimes at the last second, to find exit doors for all the dramatic "parties on the brink" that marked it, but which nevertheless caused more deaths than all the other wars in history, with the exception of that of 39-45. The first edition of this work was published under the title La Tache rouge. The novel of the Cold War, La Martinire, 2004.

International Journal of Diaspora and Cultural Criticism
International Journal of Diaspora and Cultural Criticism

Konkuk University

The August 2024 edition of International Journal of Diaspora and Cultural Criticism seeks submissions on the theme, "Transnational Networks and (Im)mobile Communities”. The special section of International Journal of Diaspora and Cultural Criticism is seeking research on mobility by scholars and practitioners working across a range of humanities disciplines and attempting to challenge any easy alignment of mobility research with the social sciences. There have been many influences and events shaping thinking on mobility in social science disciplines including sociology, human/cultural geography, anthropology and transport studies. The kinship between mobilities research and humanities recently began to be recognized by a group of scholars in arts and humanities including art and design, archaeology, history, performance and dance, film studies, and literary studies. Recognizing trans-disciplinary nature of early mobility research in Europe and North America, the special section aims to address the cultural, political and historical significance of mobile practices and subjectivity on the move in other geographical regions including Asia. Such works on mobilities emerging across these disciplines, while transcending the conventional divide between the social sciences and humanities, will deepen understanding on the existing cultural and political issues.

Collection of books for Association for Asian Studies from Cambridge University Press
Collection of books for Association for Asian Studies from Cambridge University Press

A Maritime Vietnam
From Earliest Times to the Nineteenth Century
Tana Li, Australian National University, Canberra
Despite its 3,000 kilometre coastline, few people see Vietnam as a maritime country. Here Li Tana presents a powerful new argument about Vietnamese history: that key political changes resulted from the impact, economic and otherwise, of the sea. This is a finely layered account covering the two millennia before colonisation that radically restructures how we understand the role of the maritime and trans-regional in Vietnam's early history. Drawing on exhaustive research of Chinese, Vietnamese and Japanese sources, Li reveals that it is only when viewed against the background of the sea that Vietnam's past can be properly understood. In contrast to traditional perceptions of an inward-looking society dominated by Chinese cultural influence, Vietnam was shaped by dynamic littoral economic and cultural contact.

The New Cambridge History of Japan
Volume 2. Early Modern Japan in Asia and the World, c. 1580–1877
David L. Howell, Harvard University, Massachusetts
This major new reference work presents an accessible and innovative survey of the latest developments in the study of early modern Japan. The period from about 1580 to 1877 saw the reunification of Japan after a long period of civil war, followed by two and a half centuries of peace and stability under the Tokugawa shogunate, and closing with the Meiji Restoration of 1868, which laid the foundation for a modern nation-state. With essays from leading international scholars, this volume emphasizes Japan's place in global history and pays close attention to gender and environmental history. It introduces readers to recent scholarship in fields including social history, the history of science and technology, intellectual history, and book history. Drawing on original research, each chapter situates its primary source material and novel arguments in the context of close engagement with secondary scholarship in a range of languages. The volume underlines the importance of Japan in the global early modern world

How to Make a Mao Suit
Clothing the People of Communist China, 1949–1976
Antonia Finnane, University of Melbourne
When the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949, new clothing protocols for state employees resulted in far-reaching changes in what people wore. In a pioneering history of dress in the Mao years (1949–1976), Antonia Finnane traces the transformation, using industry archives and personal stories to reveal a clothing regime pivoted on the so-called 'Mao suit'. The time of the Mao suit was the time of sewing schools and sewing machines, pattern books and homemade clothes. It was also a time of close economic planning, when rationing meant a limited range of clothes made, usually by women, from limited amounts of cloth. In an area of scholarship dominated by attention to consumption, Finnane presents a revisionist account focused instead on production. How to Make a Mao Suit provides a richly illustrated account of clothing that links the material culture of the Mao years to broader cultural and technological changes of the twentieth century.

Middle Imperial China, 900–1350
A New History
Linda Walton, Portland State University
In this highly readable and engaging work, Linda Walton presents a dynamic survey of China's history from the tenth through the mid-fourteenth centuries from the founding of the Song dynasty through the Mongol conquest when Song China became part of the Mongol Empire and Marco Polo made his famous journey to the court of the Great Khan. Adopting a thematic approach, she highlights the political, social, economic, intellectual, and cultural changes and continuities of the period often conceptualized as 'Middle Imperial China'. Particular emphasis is given to themes that inform scholarship on world history: religion, the state, the dynamics of empire, the transmission of knowledge, the formation of political elites, gender, and the family. Consistent coverage of peoples beyond the borders – Khitan, Tangut, Jurchen, and Mongol, among others – provides a broader East Asian context and introduces a more nuanced, integrated representation of China's past.

Mooring the Global Archive
A Japanese Ship and its Migrant Histories
Martin Dusinberre, Universität Zürich
Martin Dusinberre follows the Yamashiro-maru steamship across Asian and Pacific waters in an innovative history of Japan's engagement with the outside world in the late-nineteenth century. His compelling in-depth analysis reconstructs the lives of some of the thousands of male and female migrants who left Japan for work in Hawai'i, Southeast Asia and Australia. These stories bring together transpacific historiographies of settler colonialism, labour history and resource extraction in new ways. Drawing on an unconventional and deeply material archive, from gravestones to government files, paintings to song, and from digitized records to the very earth itself, Dusinberre addresses key questions of method and authorial positionality in the writing of global history. This engaging investigation into archival practice asks, what is the global archive, where is it cited, and who are 'we' as we cite it? This title is also available as Open Access.

The Collapse of Nationalist China
How Chiang Kai-shek Lost China's Civil War
Parks M. Coble, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
When World War II ended Chiang Kai-shek seemed at the height of his power-the leader of Nationalist China, one of the victorious Allied Powers in 1945 and with the financial backing of the US. Yet less than four years later, he lost the China's civil war against the communists. Offering an insightful chronological treatment of the years 1944–1949, Parks Coble addresses why Chiang was unable to win the war and control hyperinflation. Using newly available archival sources, he reveals the critical weakness of Chiang's style of governing, the fundamental structural flaws in the Nationalist government, bitter personal rivalries and Chiang's personal lack of interest in finance. This major work of revisionist scholarship will engage all those interested in the shaping of twentieth-century history.

International Relations: Theories, Concepts, and Organizations
International Relations: Theories, Concepts, and Organizations



International Relations: Theories, Concepts, and Organizations analyzes the changing dynamics of world politics on a rational scale. It presents the conceptual and theoretical codes of International Relations (IR) to academics, journalists, politicians, and thinkers. In addition to concepts and theories, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that have an important place in IR are examined. Under the influence of the globalization process, radical changes are taking place in world politics. Increasingly complex, world politics is transforming into a multi-layered structure. This book has been prepared to make IR understandable and accessible clearly.


"The discipline of International Relations (IR) has rich content and dynamic structure. Perhaps the most basic feature of the IR discipline is that its research area is very broad. It includes many fields of study such as IR theo-nes, international law, political history, and security studies. In addition to this, almost everything in the globalzation process is changing or transforming rapidly. This situation also affects the field of IR. New concepts are entering the literature: traditional thought patterns are not enough to understand and make sense of the IR discipline.
This book is a guide for analyzing the changing dynamics of world politics on a rational scale. It presents the conceptual and theoretical codes of the field to journalists, politicians, and thinkers interested in IR. In addition to concepts and theories, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that have an important place in international relations are examined in the second part of the book. In addition, this book has been prepared especially for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral (PhD) students" studying IR.
In the book, concepts and theories that can guide them both in their academic studies and in their business life are analyzed."

Women’s Dance Traditions of Uzbekistan
Women’s Dance Traditions of Uzbekistan

Laurel Victoria Gray

The first comprehensive work in English on the three major regional styles of Uzbek women's dance – Ferghana, Khiva and Bukhara – and their broader Silk Road cultural connections, from folklore roots to contemporary stage dance.

The book surveys the remarkable development from the earliest manifestations in ancient civilizations to a sequestered existence under Islam; from patronage under Soviet power to a place of pride for Uzbek nationhood.

It considers the role that immigration had to play on the development of the dances; how women boldly challenged societal gender roles to perform in public; how both material culture and the natural world manifest in the dance; and it illuminates the innovations of pioneering choreographers who drew from Central Asian folk traditions, gestures and aesthetics – not Russian ballet – to first shape modern Uzbek stage dance.

Written by the first American dancer invited to study in Uzbekistan, this book offers insight into the once-hidden world of Uzbek women's dance.

Персидская Литература IX-XVIII веков Том II
Персидская Литература IX-XVIII веков Том II

Эта книга – закономерный результат научных исследований и многолетнего чтения авторами курса персидской литературы в Институте стран Азии и Африки МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова. В настоящем издании детально представлена сложная в художественном отношении картина развития, пройденного литературой на персидском языке за огромный хронологический период XIII-XVIII вв. Адресуется студентам и преподавателям вузов, а также широкому кругу читателей, интересующихся классической персидской литературой. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.

В нашей электронной библиотеке вы можете скачать книгу «Персидская литература IX–XVIII веков. Том 2. Персидская литература в XIII–XVIII вв. Зрелая и поздняя классика» автора в формате epub, fb2, rtf, mobi, pdf себе на телефон, андроид, айфон, айпад, а так же читать онлайн и без регистрации. Ниже вы можете оставить отзыв о прочитанной или интересующей вас книге.

Наикратчайшая История Китая
Наикратчайшая История Китая

Китай на протяжении тысячелетий влиял на военные стратегии, торговые отношения, эстетику, философию и кулинарные традиции различных стран по всему миру, при этом китайская история противоречива как ни одна другая. И при всей противоречивости ей свойственны определенные закономерности, знание которых позволяет составить целостное впечатление о Китае с его безграничным человеческим, культурным и экономическим потенциалом. Желая поделиться своими глубокими знаниями о прошлом и настоящем Китая и своей любовью к этой стране с заинтересованным читателем, Линда Джейвин мастерски собирает замысловатые пазлы китайской истории, иллюстрируя рассказ рисунками, фотографиями, схемами и картами. Автор делает важные обобщения и дает прогнозы относительно того, что ждет Китай в обозримом будущем и как это может отразиться на судьбе всей планеты.«Столкнувшись с необходимостью выбирать между ключевыми фигурами, экономическими и социальными процессами, военной историей, эстетическими и интеллектуальными течениями, я выбираю… всё. Я выделяю темы, события и личностей, которые, как мне кажется, проливают свет на суть своего времени, на развитие китайской цивилизации и государственности. Я не упоминаю всех многочисленных императоров, мятежников, мыслителей, художников, чудаков, изобретателей, политиков и поэтов. Я познакомлю вас с некоторыми из самых интересных и влиятельных людей и, насколько это возможно в такой небольшой книге, позволю им самим рассказать о себе. Я приведу цитаты из работ древних историков, современных политиков, поэтов и сатириков. Китай очень многообразен, и это сложное многообразие – часть его величия».

Электронная книга доступна для скачивания

Этимологический словарь иранских языков. Том 6
Этимологический словарь иранских языков. Том 6

Словарь является первым в иранском языкознании систематизированным сводом этимологий исконных слов всех живых и вымерших иранских языков Ирана, Афганистана, Таджикистана, Узбекистана, Пакистана, России и других стран (т. 1 — a–ā — вышел в 2000 г., т. 2 — b–d — в 2003 г., т. 3 — f–h — в 2007 г., т. 4 — i–k — в 2011 г., т. 5 — l–n — в 2015 г.). Словарь построен по корневому принципу: каждая словарная статья содержит реконструированный древнейший праиранский корень с его предысторией и с продолжениями в древних и живых иранских языках. Тем самым он не только систематизирует иранский этимологический фонд, но и встраивает его в общую индоевропейскую систему.

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